Painter and Decorators
Home Improvement

The Importance of Inspecting Your House’s Exterior


If you are a homeowner, then you know how important it is to inspect your house’s exterior. Many people think that their roofs and siding are not going to get damaged because they live in an area with little rain or snowfall. However, this can be extremely dangerous because even just a small leak can cause major damage over time. If your roof has cracks or holes in it, water will be able to get inside and damage the interior of your home.

Inspecting your house’s exterior can prevent costly problems in the future.

Inspecting your house’s exterior can prevent costly problems in the future.

  • Keeps your home safe: For example, if you notice that a roof leak has started to form, it’s important to fix it right away so that there is no further damage and water doesn’t seep into other parts of your home.
  • Keeps your home looking good: If you have a house with a lot of rust or peeling paint on its exterior, it can make a big difference when you invest in painting every few years. This is also true for other surfaces like siding or stucco (a plaster made from sand and lime).
  • Keeps your home from leaking: Leaks are costly because they cause damage not only to the surface but also underneath! If water collects around windowsills or foundation cracks, this can lead to rotting wood, mold growth inside walls and more serious issues down the line such as foundation settling/cracking – not exactly ideal when living near an earthquake fault line like California’s San Andreas Fault Line…

You should inspect your home’s exterior about once a year, or you can do it every 6 months.

Your home’s exterior should be inspected about once a year, or you can do it every six months. When you inspect your home’s exterior, look for signs of trouble: cracked or missing shingles, water damage and other visible signs of potential problems. It’s also important to check for any loose roofing nails or screws that may cause damage to cars or passersby if they fall onto the street below.

These inspections are especially important if you live in an area with severe weather patterns such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and blizzards (which can happen at any time of year).

The siding on your house should not have holes and the boards should not be rotting.

Siding should not have holes, the boards should not be rotting, and the siding should not be loose. There are a few other things to look for:

  • Make sure that any cracks in your siding are less than 1/4 inch and do not go all the way through. You can also check for mold or mildew on your siding, which may indicate that there is moisture damage underneath.
  • If you find any of this damage, it’s time to get an estimate from a professional contractor to repair it!

Your roof is one of the most important parts of your house, as it protects everything inside from rain, snow, and other weather conditions.

Your roof is one of the most important parts of your house, as it protects everything inside from rain, snow, and other weather conditions.

If your roof has cracks or holes in it, water will be able to get inside and damage the interior of your home.

If your roof has cracks or holes in it, water will be able to get inside and damage the interior of your home.

If your roof has cracks or holes in it, water will be able to get inside and damage the interior of your home. Water damage can be very expensive to repair. If you notice any signs of water damage, call a professional immediately.


Inspecting your home’s exterior is a simple way to protect it from future problems. It’s easy to do and will help you avoid costly repairs in the future. If you’re looking for an inspection service in your area, we have a list of recommended ones here

If you need interior inspection or exterior home inspection feel free to Visit Hound Dog Home Inspection to get more information about the home inspections you may need.