Home Improvement

Things to Consider When Decorating Your Bathroom

Bathrooms are a place to get clean, relax, and unwind. But they’re also a place where we make mistakes. When it comes to decorating your bathroom, there are a few common mistakes that people make—mistakes that can cost time and money and frustrate you. I’ve learned these lessons the hard way (trust me) so now I want to share them with you so you don’t have to make the same mistakes!


Color is a very important part of decorating. It can make or break the room, and it’s one of the first things people notice when they walk in.

Choosing the right color scheme will make your bathroom look bigger, smaller, more inviting—even more comfortable. Choosing the wrong color scheme can make it look smaller, darker and less inviting.


Durability is an important consideration when decorating your bathroom. With frequent use, it’s inevitable that items will break or become worn out. To ensure that your bathroom stays looking great, you need to pay attention to how durable the furnishings are and whether their materials hold up over time.

If you’re on a budget or don’t have the funds right now to buy expensive furnishings with long warranties and quality assurance guarantees, there are still ways you can make your selections more durable:

  • Choose products made from real wood instead of veneers or plywood (which may not last as long).
  • Choose pieces with metal frames rather than plastic ones (they’ll last longer).
  • Consider buying furniture with some kind of “anti-sag” feature built into it—similar to how mattresses have springs inside them—instead of relying on gravity alone for support (this will also help prevent beds from sagging after repeated use).


bathroom mirror with led lighting. The right lighting can make the space feel cozy and inviting, while the wrong lighting can make it feel cold, uncomfortable and even dangerous. There are many different ways to light your bathroom, from overhead lights that illuminate each corner of your shower stall to recessed or track lights that highlight specific features of your vanity mirror with lights for bathroom.

The type of lighting you choose will depend on how much light is needed in certain areas. You’ll want bright light for grooming but soft ambient light for relaxing or sleeping—so if you have an office-sized fixture installed above your sink it might not be suitable for reading in bed at night! If you’re installing new fixtures, consider whether they’ll provide enough brightness when all bulbs are turned on 

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