Home Improvement

6 Steps to Declutter your Home and Embrace Minimalism

Minimalism is a lifestyle that focuses on clearing away the clutter in your life and living with only the things you need. It has been popularized by people like Marie Kondo, author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, who advocates an extreme form of minimalism where you get rid of anything that does not “spark joy” or “bring me true value.”

A minimalist home has very few possessions. You may be surprised to learn just how much stuff you have when you start going through it. Consider taking pictures or videos before getting rid of anything. That way, you can remember what it looked like before.

With that in mind, here’s how to embrace minimalism in your home if you want to start.

1.   Make Your Decluttering Plan

According to Maid Sailors cleaning services Austin, having a decluttering plan is an excellent start to embracing minimalism in your home.

It is essential to plan your decluttering process before you start to embrace minimalism. A decluttering plan will help you to have a clear idea of what items you should remove from your home.

Minimalism is a lifestyle that has been gaining popularity in the past few years. It is not just about simplifying your living space but also your life.

A decluttering plan will help eliminate all the excess stuff cluttering your home. And it will also help you get rid of all the clutter in your life.

2. Declutter One Room at a Time

The first step is to choose one room and declutter it entirely. It will help you eliminate the clutter in that room and make it more manageable. Next, focus on the next room that needs decluttering. You can start with a small area or a closet if you are still getting ready for a whole room.

It’s important to remember that when you are going through each room, you need to be ruthless about what stays and what goes. Ask yourself why you want to keep something and discard anything that doesn’t bring value or joy into your life.

Decluttering one room at a time will make it easier to focus on what you need to do rather than trying everything all at once. It will also help you avoid getting overwhelmed by the scope of work, which may cause you to give up before getting started.

3. Put a Designated Outbox

A designated outbox is a great way to keep your home decluttered. Anytime you get a package, you can put it in the outbox, so it keeps your space neat. This space can help you stay on top of what you have and avoid buying more things that will end up in the outbox.

The best way to do this is by having a box or bag specifically for items that need to go elsewhere. You should clear out the box regularly and keep it in a place where you will remember it.

You can place items here that you need to decide whether to keep or get rid of and then decide about it after a week or two.

4. Assess Your Home After You’ve Decluttered

Decluttering your home is a necessary step when embracing minimalism. This step will help you assess the condition of your home and what needs to change.

Decluttering has many benefits, and it is a crucial first step in embracing minimalism. You will better understand what you own, how much space you need, and what areas of your life need improvement.

Looking back at your home after decluttering can help you feel that clearness of mind that minimalism brings.

5. Make Sure Everything in Your Home Has a Place

If you want to embrace minimalism, it is vital to ensure that everything in your home has its place. This step will help you avoid living in a cluttered space and will also be easier for you to clean.

The whole point of this idea is to make the most of your living space. It’s about making the most out of what you have. It would not be easy to do this if everything in your home didn’t have a designated place. For example, if you don’t have a designated area for your shoes or clothes, you will just throw everything all over the floor, and it won’t be easy to find anything.

6. Continue Decluttering regularly

Decluttering is the key to a minimalist home. The process of decluttering is not just about getting rid of things. It’s about making your living space more comfortable and enjoyable for you and those who share it with you.

There are many benefits that you can enjoy when decluttering regularly:

  • Less cluttered home, which will make it easier to clean
  • Your home will be less stressful to live in
  • Your clothes will be easier to find
  • You’ll have more space for what’s important to you

We should only own things that bring us joy, meaning they make us happy or serve a purpose.


Once you follow these steps, you should be much closer to embracing a life of minimalism. Of course, minimalism also requires some mindset changes, but these steps can help you get closer to that way of living. Don’t be afraid to start today and have a more minimalist home and life at the end of it.